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      +420 595 135 111
      6210_5171 003 000 00 ACTIVE OUTDOOR LEATHER BALSAM
      Special regeneration and impregnating wax paste for leather shoes.
      Antislippers provide stability and security in the field, where there is a risk of slipping. These antislippers are intended for walking on snowy or icy pavements in cities. There are 6 spikes on the tip and 4 on the heel. One pair packed in a textil
      93682_2900 105 800 00
      Antislippers are an outdoor tool providing stability and security in the field, where there is a risk of slipping. Antislippers are designed for walking on snow and ice. 19 spikes 9 mm long on the tip and 12 mm on the heel. One pair packed in a texti
      35575_2900 058 700 00
      Gel footwear insoles with active gel which absorbs shocks and prevents feet burning. Bottom is made of artificial suede which is comfortable and antislip. The insole can be customized to the desired size by cutting according to the pre-marked lines.
      Insulated footwear inserts with aluminium foil. Made of 50% fleece felt and aluminium foil, inner layer is made of PE. The insole can be customized to the desired size by cutting according to the pre-marked lines. Designed to use in winter.
      Insulated footwear inserts with aluminium foil. Made of 50% fleece felt and aluminium foil, inner layer is made of PE. The insole can be customized to the desired size by cutting according to the pre-marked lines. Designed to use in winter.
      13995_5171 005 000 00 MAZACEK NA OBUV
      Plastic brush for application of creams for footwear.
      Footwear inserts common.
      Footwear inserts CARBON, insole with active carbon, can be trimmed to fit any size.
      Deodorant for shoes with unique dual applicator with HEEL-to-TOE spray system, neutralizes unpleasant odours and gives pleasant smell and freshness to shoes.
      Tkaničky do obuvi kulaté, 130 cm, černé
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