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      +420 595 135 111
      14094_4110 011 113 00 VITO
      Direct vents, adjustable headband. Suitable for drilling, grinding.
      88691_4110 289 113 00 BRYNAS AC
      Sturdy acetate goggles. Indirect ventilation. UV360 protection. Adjustable flexible band. Protection against chemical splashes like gasoline or lubricant oil. Suitable as over the prescription glasses. Suitable for constructions, engineering, agricul
      88688_4110 287 810 00 FORS
      Hybrid polycarbonate goggles made in modern style. UV385 protection. Ergonomic construction ensure unlimited view. Adjustable flexible band for limitless move. Easy washable TPE insertion suitable for disinfection. Premium coating conform additional
      88689_4110 288 810 00
      Polycarbonate goggles made in modern style. UV385 protection. Adjustable flexible band for limitless move. Easily washable TPE insertion. Suitable for work at height and dust environment. Suitable for almost any work environment.
      14979_4110 012 113 00 VENTI
      Indirect vents, adjustable headband. Suitable for drilling, grinding, dusty operations.
      88692_4110 290 113 00 BRYNAS
      Sturdy polycarbonate goggles. Indirect ventilation. UV385 protection. Adjustable flexible band. Protection against molten metals and hot solids. Suitable as over the prescription glasses. Suitable for constructions, engineering, agriculture, laborato
      The holder is compatible with 3M shields, G3000 helmet and 3M earmuffs. Its attachment is quick and easy thanks to the snap-in system.
      13568_4190 001 800 00 CXS SACEK NA BRYLE
      Textile, draw-string, measurement: 20x11cm.
      54259_4110 208 150 00 CXS-OPSIS ALAVO
      Ultralight rimless spectacles fixed length temple arm with weigh 24g. The rounded design provides excellent coverage and unlimited field of vision. Suitable for long-term wear. Made in a simple and stylish design. Lens made of quality polycarbonate w
      54257_4110 208 113 00 CXS-OPSIS ALAVO
      Ultralight rimless spectacles fixed length temple arm with weigh 24g. The rounded design provides excellent coverage and unlimited field of vision. Suitable for long-term wear. Made in a simple and stylish design. Lens made of quality polycarbonate w
      54258_4110 208 720 00 CXS-OPSIS ALAVO
      Ultralight rimless spectacles fixed length temple arm with weigh 24g. The rounded design provides excellent coverage and unlimited field of vision. Suitable for long-term wear. Made in a simple and stylish design. Lens made of quality polycarbonate w
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